
Who was laughing, oh, yes, it was him. He was laughing because he had almost completed his work. The bodies were found in the order he wanted them to be found and the police was clueless.
In reality he was actually just doing the world a favor because those women were all sinners and should not be wearing cross around their neck. The crosses he took as a trophy. He stared at the corpse for a few moments. She was a stunning woman around thirty with long black hair and big brown eyes. She was well trained with firm breasts. Now she was naked and covered in blood, the blood of a sinner. He ripped the cross necklace off her, the seventh cross, he had a fine collection of trophies now. Some of the crosses he wore around his neck or had them on his person in one way or another. This cross was beautiful, wooden cross, the cross carved out of dark wood and Jesus carved out of lighter shade of wood. This cross he attached to his key change. He stroked his thumb across the likeness and put the keys back in the pocket of his pants that were on the bed behind him.
He turned back towards the body. He needed to write his message on the body like he did with the others, this was the last cleansing for now. He knew the police would not catch him because he was careful and was never careless when it came to his work.
He started to carve the symbols into her skin, the message, the reason for her sins. Then he needed to clean her, with a washcloth in his hand he slowly cleaned the blood off her.
He took his time as he wanted to make sure nothing would go wrong, he was not going to get caught, not ever. He smiled and started to chuckle, this was all so perfect.
He transported the body to the location he had already selected and arranged the body in the same position as the others, to show the Lord that they all had dishonored him.
The best best part was yet to come, watching the police at work and see how how little they had found out. He drove his car home with cheerfulness in his entire body. Full of energy, he cleaned up a little before heading to bed with a smile.


There had been a call, informing of another body and by the description she knew it had been done by the Sinner-killer, that is what she called him but did not share that with anyone. She had to call her partner and tell him to come as they had work to do. While she waited for him to pick up on the other end, she gazed at the map with the marks that showed the placements of the bodies, that were already found.
The first four victims made up a cross on the map and somehow fell into place, she knew that the next three victims were to represent the wounds, one for each palm and the feet.
Damn it, why did they not realize this before. They had used many hours to find patterns and her partner had come up with many ideas but they never seemed to fit. They had ended with the idea that the killer was maybe making many crosses, each smaller than the previous one. Why had they not seen this before. Finally on the other end of the line she heard a faint hallo.
– Were you sleeping? She asked. This was his day off, one of the few he had.
– Yes, trying to get away from you just for a little while. She could hear he was smiling as he said this.
– Well, to make a long story short, the seventh victim has been found. She told him.
– I am on my way. He answered promptly and ended the call.
She went over to the map and placed a finger where the latest victim was found and yes she could see it now, it finally fit. Christ on the cross. She went over to her desk to go through the crime scene pictures and the files.
On the first body on the right hand there was a cut across the wrist and on the left side on the second body. On the third one the cut was across the neck and the fourth one the cut was at the ankles. The placement was not corresponding to the part of the cross that each body was suppose to represent. The fifth victim had a deep wound at the left hand and a similar wound on the right hand of the sixth victim. She knew the that the seventh victim would have deep wounds similar to the others somewhere around the feet. This was so obvious now, although the placement of the victims was not in a accordance to the part they were suppose to stand for, it was just so clear now.
She took few important files with her and was reading through them as she left the station. She waited outside until her partner came, he honked the horn and she looked up startled.
As she entered the car and put on her seat belt she explained what she had discovered. He nodded, concentrating as he maneuvering his car through the traffic. He stopped the car not far from the place where the latest body was found. He turned off the car, took the keys out of the ignition and a wooden cross dangled from the key-change.
– Well, shall we get started? She said as they got out of the car. He nodded.
– Yes, let’s hurry and get this guy. He said as locked the car, he smiled as he put the key-change in his pocket.

His hell on earth

He dubbed the sweat from his palms on to his pants. He was sweating a lot this night, as he knew what the had to do. Looking across the street, looking at the house that was waiting in the shadows of the trees. He wanted to turn away and leave… but no, he had to do this. It had never been so dark, as it was, this night. He waited in the shadows of the shop, that had closed an hour earlier, so now he was alone and waited as he observed the house.
He threw the cigarette to the ground, only this night he could feel it, it all, and he was determined to enjoy one last cigarette before he had to leave the shelter of the shop. The time had come and he headed over the street without looking for traffic as he knew that no one would be there at this hour.
He had not, and would never, have chosen to do what he was about to do but it was his to do. He walked slowly towards the house, he was not in a hurry, knowing that nothing could prevent what was about to happen and that he had a command he had to obey. This job was not meant for anyone, only a few chosen once did this job but he was given this task as a punishment and he knew very well, why that was.
He stood for a few minutes in front of his childhood home, a long time had passed since he was last there but he knew nothing had changed, he knew his parents. He went through the front door and directly into his parents bedroom, there they were, half a sleep, his mother was more awake than asleep and next to their bed was his little sister in her crib. She was only ten months of age. He got tears in his eyes, he did not want to do this but he knew he could not avoid it, he had to carry his punishment to the end and this was it.
His little sister looked at him and smiled, she had been ill for some time now and there was not much that could be done, he just wanted to get this over with! Ha gently laid his right hand on her forehead and the palm of his left hand over her heart, she started to cry, this hurt, hurt a lot, he knew this as he had gone through it not that long ago.
His mother woke up with a start and hurried over to her daughters bed, but it was too late. He watched the steady stream of tears bursting from his mothers eyes as she picked up the lifeless body of her daughter.
– “NO!!! NO!!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!!” Her scream cut through his soul. He wished that the feelings of the soul would be shut off during this task.
– “Mother, I am so sorry!” He whisper to her, he knew she could not hear him.
His father had call for assistance and the ambulance was on it’s way. His father tried to hide the pain he felt but his eyes filled up with tears. His father embraced his wife and tried to take the lifeless body of their daughter from her but she did not want to let go as she cried with great pain and sorrow.
– “Why is this happening to us, what have I done wrong… what … have I…” She could not finish as her painful crying took over.
– “Mother, this is not your fault, it is mine, I am so very sorry, forgive me…”
The ambulance had arrived and the paramedics tried to revive his sister but he knew they would not succeed.
There she was, his sister had appeared in her bed, he went over and picked her up, she smiled at him and he hugged her close. He looked to his mother, that did not want to believe that the paramedics could not do anything for her child. He watched with growing sadness as his mother picked up her daughters lifeless body and started to rock back and forth as the tears fell from her face down to the body she held on to.
He spread his wings and departed with his sister in his arms. The last thing he heard and would carry with him was the painful crying of his mother, that would follow him for eternity.

Trúðu á mig

Hann þurrkaði svitann úr lófunum sínum í buxurnar. Svitinn spratt fram allstaðar, bara þetta kvöld, því hann vissi hvað hann þurfti að gera.
Hann horfði yfir götuna, á stóra húsið, sem beið þar í skugganum frá trjánum. Gæti hann ekki bara snúið við og farið heim… nei, hann varð að gera þetta, það hafði aldrei verið eins dimmt og þetta kvöld. Hann beið enn í skugganum af sjoppunni sem hafði verið lokað fyrir um klukkutíma, svo núna var hann einn og beið og fylgdist með húsinu. Hann fleygði sígarettunni í jörðina og steig ofan á hana. Tími var kominn, hann lagði af stað yfir götuna án þess að líta í kringum sig, því hann vissi að það var enginn umferð.
Hann hafði ekki valið þetta hlutverk, en það var samt hans verk að vinna. Hann rölti rólega í átt að húsinu, hann var ekkert að flýta sér, vitandi að ekkert gæti komið í veg fyrir þetta, þetta var ekki lengur í höndum sem gætu að gert, hann varð líka að hlýða sinni skipun. Það voru ekki margir sem unnu þetta verk en það var verið að refsa honum og hann vissi alveg fyrir hvað.
Hann stóð í stutta stund fyrir framan gamla heimilið sitt, það var langt síðan hann hafi komið þarna inn, en hann vissi að ekkert hafði breyst hann þekkti foreldra sína og vissi að þau myndu aldrei breyta neinu.
Hann fór inn í gegnum útidyrnar, hanna fór beint inn í herbergi foreldra sinna, þarna láu þau hálfsofandi, en móðir hans var nokkuð vör um sig og hliðin á rúmmi foreldra hans var litla systir hans í rúmi sínu. Hún var ekki nema 10 mánaða.
Hann fékk tárin í augun, hann vildi ekki þurfa að gera þetta, en hann vissi þó að það var ekkert fyrir hann að reyna að komast hjá því, hann þurfti að taka út sína refsingu og þetta var hún.
Hún horfði á hann og brosti, hún var búin að vera veik lengi og það var ekki mikið hægt að gera fyrir hana, hann vissi að það væri best að drífa þetta af, hann lagði hægri hönd sína yfir munn hennar og vinsti höndina yfir hjarta hennar, hún fór að gráta, hann vissi að þetta var sárt, mjög sárt, þar sem hann hafði upplifað þetta sama fyrir ekki svo löngu. Móðir hans hrökk upp og dreif sig yfir að rúmi dóttur sinnar, en það var of seint, hann horfði á tárin flæða af stað úr augum móður sinnar, hún tók upp líflausan líkama dóttur sinnar.
– NEI!!! NEI!!! ÞETTA ER EKKI AÐ GERAST, öskur hennar skar inn í sál hans, því gátu þeir ekki slökkt á tilfinningum sálarinnar fyrir þetta verk.
– Mamma fyrirgefðu, hvíslaði hann að henni, hann vissi alveg að hún heyrði ekki í honum.
Faðir hans var búinn að hringja á sjúkabílinn. Faðir hans sýndi ekki hve sárt þetta var fyrir hann en augu hans fylltust af tárum, faðir hans tók utan um konu sína og reyndi að taka líflausan líkama dóttur þeirra af henni, en hún vidi ekki sleppa taki sínu, móðir hans grét svo sárt.
– Hvers vegna við, hvað hef ég gert rangt… hvað…hef ég. Hún náði ekki að komast lengra fyrir sárum gráti sínum.
Hann gat ekki stöðvað tárin sem flæddu af stað, þetta er ekki sanngjarnt, hún á þetta ekki skilið.
– Mamma þetta er ekki þér að kenna, hvíslaði hann, þetta er mér að kenna, fyrirgefðu mér… fyrirgefðu.
Sjúkrabíllinn kom og það var strax farið að reyna að lífga systur hans við, en ekkert gekk og það vissi hann.
Þarna birtist hún í rúmi sínu og hann tók hana upp, hún brosti til hans og hann faðmaði hana að sér, hann horfði á móður sína sem vildi ekki trúa því að ekkert væri hægt að gera, hún faðmaði líflausan líkama dóttur sinnar að sér og ruggaði sér fram og til baka og tárin runnu niður kinnar hennar á líkamann sem hún hélt í fangi sínu.
Hann breiddi út vængina og lagði af stað með systur sína, það síðasta sem hann heyrði og tók með sér, var sár grátur móður sinnar sem myndi fylgja honum til eilífðarinnar.

Lonesome and the steadfast soldier

He sits there, everyday, at the same spot on the stairs and is watching the people rush by, all of them competing with time. The people, staring straight ahead and with hurried paces they enter the ring, the bell rings to announce that the next round has begun. They are back in their places, at their work or habit, what is the difference?
He picks up a coin that has fallen on to the step below and puts it in his pocket. He smiles as this coin has so much value for him and can change so much. He sits still and keeps on watching, watching the same people doing, the same thing, everyday.

The tall woman with the long blond hair and the briefcase, that only wears black. He gave her the name Dew as she reminded him of the morning dew, that falls upon the world, beautiful yet cold.
Then there was the man, with the glasses that were too big for his petite face. And the chubby man that went to the pub after work, was always a little drunk and found some new woman to go home with, most days. He observed so many people everyday that he gave them names he thought would fit them.

Among them was the name Lonesome, a young man, slightly-built, red-haired with freckles. He walked each morning to and from his workplace. He always stopped at the stairs were the homeless man with the missing leg and a patch for the right eye sat, Lonesome always gave him food or coin.
Lonesome makes his way at a slow rate as he keeps moving aside for all the other people. He enters a tall, grayish and cold building that is suffocating him. During his breaks, he comes out of the building, sits on a bench and reads a book not far from the stairs.
During the lunch break Lonesome sits down next to the homeless man and hands him a sandwich. The homeless man nodes gratefully but they say nothing, they just sit there next to each other and eat in silence. They both understand that words are overrated and they do not need to say anything. They both sense their surroundings, the people and each other and that is enough for them. When the break is over Lonesome nods and goes back to his work place.

He sits behind and keeps observing the few people that are around. Some notice him and few go out of their way to give him a coin, he thanks them and smiles. He is content, he knows where his place is. Many that have a home and family have no clue where their place is in the world, like Dew, she hides behind the cold exterior to hide the uncertainty that she feels. He knows he can always find shelter and food when he needs it, he has no need to worry about life.
He waits calmly for the bell to ring again to indicate that this round has ended and for the people to stream out of the buildings all around.
He sits on the stairs and observes the people take the same path back were they had come from this morning. He notices how the people just walk into Lonesome as he attempting to fight his way through the crowd of people but at a slow rate as he keeps moving aside for people.

Lonesome stops not far from the stairs and nods to the homeless man, Lonesome had given him the name The steadfast soldier as he was always at his spot on the stairs even when Lonesomes shift was done. The steadfast soldier nodes back to Lonesome, which then continues on his way with out a smile.
The steadfast soldier shakes his head as he continues to follow Lonesome and his drawn-out battle through the crowd.
The difference between them was great but yet they were much alike. He knew they both had so much to offer but were not given the chance to do so. But the biggest difference was that people did see him, the homeless man, missing a leg, sitting on the stairs but Lonesome was invisible to the world.