
starir inn í
tregafullt herbergi.
Herbergi dubbað upp
með skuggum
frá líflausum
íbúum þess.

The rattle of the chains

I know that your eyes, tell me no lies,
and in your smile, I can get lost, for awhile.

I miss your voice…
I miss your face…

But with every beat in my veins,
I hear the rattle of your chains.

I need to get you out of my mind,
out of my heart, the two are entwined.
I know you are wounded, with several scars,
that led to, you, sealing off, with heavy bars.

My soul is torn…
Inside I mourn…

I sit here with the pieces of my heart,
I watched, as it fell apart!


Frosin tjörn,
þykkur klaki,
kaldur og harður,
líkt og hjarta þitt.

Hvassur vindur og snjór,
sem skellur í andlit mitt
og inn að hjartanu,
líkt og orð þín.

Stormurinn sem fylgir þér
rífur mig upp
og þeytir mér burt ,
líkt og lítið blóm,
sem á engan stað í þessum heimi.

Where a child used to play

A doll that cries
and says mommy
sits on a shelf,
on a wall,
in an empty room,
where a child
used to play.

Now the child is gone
and all that remains
is the tears and
from her father’s
drunken anger.